Translations made easy with AI Assistant

Working with Translations in Optimizely

Ensuring that content is accessible and comprehensible in multiple languages is essential for any global business. Optimizely, combined with Language Manager and Epicweb AI-Assistant, provides strong translation capabilities, making the process smooth and efficient. The integration of Epicweb AI-Assistant enhances these capabilities, offering a high degree of configurability for customized translation experiences. This post examines the key features and implementations that facilitate straightforward and effective translation work in Optimizely.

Bring Your Own AI - Now Available in Optimizely CMS

We are introducing a new capability in Optimizely CMS: Bring Your Own AI. We call it, CustomAI! This feature, powered by the AI-Assistant for Optimizely developed by Epicweb, allows enterprise companies to integrate any AI vendor directly into the Optimizely CMS and Customizable Commerce platforms. This gives web editors the flexibility to tailor AI capabilities to their specific needs. "Bring Your Own AI" (BYOAI) refers to a practice where organizations, customize, and deploy their own artificial intelligence models and systems rather than relying solely on pre-built or third-party AI solutions.

Cold start strategies, logo Azure Functions

Avoiding Azure Functions Cold Starts - Problem solved

Azure Functions offer a highly scalable and cost-effective way to run event-driven code in the cloud. However, they come with a challenge that can impact performance - cold starts. In this blog post, we'll explore what cold starts are, why they occur, and how you can mitigate them using different strategies, including Azure's payment plans, external services, and health checks.